Tobogganing in the Harz Mountains

Race down the mountain on a sledge

Take yourself back to your childhood: do you remember how great it was to sledge down the mountain on a sledge or, if necessary, on a plastic bag? Children's hearts beat faster when tobogganing - and often those of adults too. Tobogganing is great fun for young and old alike. And this fun can be realised in the Oberharz.

You will find toboggan runs in Altenau, Torfhaus, Wildemann, Sankt Andreasberg, Schulenberg and Clausthal-Zellerfeld. At the toboggan run in Torfhaus near Altenau, from where you have a marvellous view of the Brocken there is also a toboggan lift so that you don't have to pull your toboggan up the mountain yourself. The toboggan run in Torfhaus is also floodlit in the evening, so you can enjoy the tobogganing fun even after dark.

Tobogganing in Altenau

Toboggan run next to the "Auf der Rose" ski area

In the "Auf der Rose" ski area you will find a wonderful toboggan run. length: 300 m

Toboggan slopes at the "Heißer Brocken" crystal sauna centre

Also in the "An der Schwefelquelle" area, which is located behind theKristall-Saunatherme "Heißer Brocken"Altenau, you can toboggan on several small slopes.

Tobogganing in Torfhaus

Tobogganing in Torfhaus with the "Brockenblick" toboggan lift

InTorfhausyou are spared the arduous climb up the mountain thanks to the toboggan lift. There are toboggans on towed slopes on which you are transported up the slope. Thanks to floodlights, you can also toboggan in Torfhaus at dusk in good snow conditions. Please note the prior announcements on site and follow thewinter sports reportfor Torfhaus.

Further information about tobogganing in

Toboggan lift prices Torfhaus

Adults Children up to 12 years
Single ride 1,50 € 1,50 €
Ten-trip ticket 12 € 8 €
Day ticket until 4 pm 22 € 15 €
Morning ticket until 1 pm 16 € 12 €
Afternoon ticket 13-16 h 16 € 12 €
Sledge hire per started hour 2 €/max. 8 € p. day per started hour 2 €/max. 8 € p. day

Tobogganing in Sankt Andreasberg

Toboggan run in the Teichtal

In the Teichtal nearSankt Andreasbergyou will find a 300 metre long toboggan run, which can also be used at dusk with floodlights if the snow conditions are good. If there is not enough snow, the Teichtal is additionally prepared with a snowmaking system when the temperatures are suitable.

In Sankt Andreasberg you can also go tobogganing on the Sonnenberg.

Tobogganing in Wildemann

Toboggan run at the Spiegelbad in the Spiegeltal

InWildemannyou can whizz down into the Spiegeltal valley on an 862 metre long toboggan run at the Spiegelbad.

Tobogganing in Clausthal-Zellerfeld and Buntenbock

Toboggan run on Spiegelthaler Straße

On the 241 metre long toboggan run on Spiegelthaler Straße inClausthal-Zellerfeld(in the direction of the Waldweben campsite), you can whizz down the mountain on your toboggan.

Toboggan run in the forest aisle on the Ziegenberg

Also inBuntenbockyou have the opportunity to toboggan to your heart's content on the 220 metre long toboggan run on the Ziegenberg.

Tobogganing in Schulenberg

Toboggan run behind the BSW home in the Schulenberg ski area

In the Schulenberg ski area, the toboggan meadow behind the BSW-Heim is ideal for speedy descents on a toboggan.